In BlueGIS software, various operations can be performed on the layer attribute table using the operations menu. The "Operations" menü can be opened with the button "Operations" under the " Attribute Table" on the Layer Box.

Step 1: Attribute Table Operations
1.1. Selection

Various options are available in the selection menu.
Select all: All geometries are selected on the map.
Cancel Selections: Deselects the selected geometries.
Select Filtered: Selects filtered geometries on the table.
Show Selected: Shows the selected geometries in the table.
Invert Selection: Deselects the selected geometries, and selects those that are not.
1.2. Operations

In the Operations menu, deletion and display are performed.
Delete Features: After clicking this button, deletion is performed according to the option selected in the drop-down panel. All geometries, selected geometries, filtered geometries.
Show Features: Depending on the option selected in the panel that drop-downs, shows features on the table. All geometries, selected geometries, filtered geometries.
1.3. Export

There are five options in this menu.
Download Geometry: Used for downloading layers in the desired format.
Download as Excel: Download the attribute in excel format.
Download as PDF: Download the attribute table in pdf format.
Download as JSON: Download the attribute table in JSON format.
Download as PDF: Download the attribute table in pdf format.
1.4. Queries

Various queries can be made on the layer data.
1.5. Columns

Column settings and column calculations can be made in the Columns menu.
- Column Settings: The existing columns can be deleted from the layer or new columns can be added.

- Column Calculations: In column calculations, it can be calculated according to the data type of the selected column. Some calculations that can be made;
- Sum with a value
- Subtract with a value
- Multiply by a value
- Divide by a value
- Delete all
- Equalize to a value
- Take logarithm etc.
. The calculation results change the column on which it is processed.

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