OGC WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) is the service where the tiled vector and raster data are displayed for each scale range.

Admin 10.03.2020 Category : BlueGIS Mobile Education Documents

OGC WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) is a service where the vector and raster data tiled for each scale interval is stored on the server as an image on the disks, and the only user requested data displayed on the map.

It is very easy to add WMTS service in BlueGIS. There are two ways to access the WMTS adding panel. The first way is the 'Add WMTS Service' option under the 'Add Map Service', in the left menu.

Adding WMTS Service

The second way is the 'Add WMTS Service' option in the 'Map Services' in the quick menu (+ sign) at the bottom of the screen.

Adding WMTS Service

Adding WMTS Service

1. Add WMTS Service Panel

Parameters to be entered when adding WMS service:

  1. Layer Name: Layer name that will appear in the Layer Box

  2. URL: URL address of WMS service

  3. Transparency: Determines the color opacity of the layer

These three parameters must be completely filled.

Adding WMTS Service

Parameters used in the example:

  1. URL: https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/WorldTimeZones/MapServer /WMTS/tile/1.0.0/WorldTimeZones/default/default028mm/{z}/{y}/{x}.png

  2. Transparency: 0.7

WMTS service is added to the map with the Save button. The result is shown below.

Adding WMTS Service

2. WMTS Service history

There are 3 main menus in the adding WMTS service panel. There is a 'History' button under the third main menu. In this menu, WMTS layers added to the map are saved. Thus, you can easily add a WMTS layer you added before to the map without having to re-enter the parameters.

Adding WMTS Service

The layer we added in the first step is now displayed in history. It is enough to scroll the box to add it back to the map. If desired, easily remove the layer from the past with the "Delete" button.

Adding WMTS Service

When you press the button, the WMTS layer is automatically added to the map again.

Adding WMTS Service

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